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SOC2023 Session Topics

The 2023 State of the Coast conference focused on 10 main topic areas with subtopics to guide the conversations. We saw the work and research of each subject area represented at SOC2023, both in the program and the exhibitor hall.

Coastal Law, Policy & Funding Legal matters critical for the future of our coast; land ownership; water rights access; public trust; groundwater policy; flood insurance; Deepwater Horizon penalties; GOMESA; infrastructure funding; royalties from energy production in the Gulf; Building codes (flood vs wind)
Human DimensionsWorkforce opportunities; people of our coast;  student and training opportunities; change in coastal livelihoods; diversity, equity and inclusion; social vulnerability; demographics and population trends; managed retreat
Ecosystem RestorationProject performance; new approaches; marsh creation; ridge restoration; barrier island restoration; hydrologic restoration; river diversions; adaptive management; oyster reef restoration
Renewable Energy Wind energy production; solar energy; ecosystem impacts; workforce development
Preparing for Climate Change: Mitigation and AdaptationFuture climate; sea level rise; climate modeling;  floods and droughts; climate action plan; urban resilience (water, heat, etc.); blue carbon; carbon capture; blue carbon markets
Predicting and Planning for the Future of the CoastCoastal Master Plan; advances in modeling, AI and machine learning; short-and-long term priority setting; alternative oyster culture; adaptive governance; land use planning; smart growth
Flood Risk Management: Coastal and Inland Nature-based solutions; natural infrastructure; surge modeling; hurricane impacts; LA watershed initiative; watershed modeling; urban water management; compound flooding;
real-time flood forecasting; non-structural solutions
Hydrology, Geomorphology and Ecology of the CoastHabitats: birds, wildlife and fisheries; Gulf hypoxia; nutrient pollution; ecological monitoring and trends; subsidence; sediment dynamics; carbon sequestration; estuarine mixing
Managing our Rivers for Multiple UsesNavigation; flooding and droughts;
hydrological modeling; natural crevasses; sediment budgets; river shoaling; dredging strategy and costs;
Mississippi Sound impacts
Disaster Impacts, Mitigation and RecoveryImpacts of Laura, Ida, etc. on communities; emergency preparedness; oil spill impacts and recovery; lessons learned